As the Harry Potter Collectible minifigures make their way out to stores around the world it might be hard to find what you are looking for. If you don't have the $240 USD (+tax) sitting around to buy a full box, you get to search! To collect them all you'll need to figure out what's in each bag! Below is an outline of each bag and it's contents and what will best help you find them all! There are a total of 22 unique figures. Now I have a count of 24 figures, I include Grindelwald and Barty Crouch Jr. as other figures so I have included them in this list. Each box contains 60 figures.
All photos from Brickset
1 (& 2). Percival Graves & Gellert Grindelwald (1 per box)
A: Hair - there are two pieces of hair included in this bag. They are small round shape with a smooth feel. This is very hard to find!
3. Harry Potter in his Invisibility Cloak (2 per box)
A: Short legs - child sized legs with no bend
B: Cloak - harder to feel, but will be different than the paper and have a cloth like feel to it as you bend the bag.
4. Professor Sybill Trelawney (2 per box)
A: Cup - cup like shape, can be felt as round
B: Tea Cup plate - round flat plate, no other bag as the feel
C: Hair - LARGE hair piece, with a smooth section and long curly hair
D: Legs - single piece with sloped trailing end
5. Luna Lovegood (2 per box)
A: Hair - rubber and extra long - can be condused with Cho Chang
B: Paper panphet - large 2x3 tile and can easily be felt
C: Side bag - only figure with one
6. Harry Potter (3 per box)
A: Hedwig - very easy to feel, has a owl shape to it.
B: Mid-legs - they can be harder to feel but can tell between full size legs and not Dobby's Legs
7. Ron Weasley (3 per box)
A: Peter Pettigrew (rat) - very easy to feel out, can feel the tail and the small body
B: Hair - with the split wave in his hair no other figures have that feature
8. Hermione Granger (3 per box)
A: Crookshanks (cat) - Super easy to feel out
B: Hair - long hair that is hardened plastic instead of rubber
9. Newt Scamander
A: Niffler - Small animal shape, almost like an owl BUT you'll feel it's beak and toes
B: Case - case will have two prongs sticking out of it as it creates the hinge. Can be confused with Dobby and Kowalski
C: Hair - Spikey
10. Tina Goldstein
A: Hot dog and bun - very distinct shapes
B: Head piece is super smooth and you can feel the brim of the hat well
11. Jacob Kowalski
A: Pastries - two 1x1 round tiles
B: Case - case will have two prongs sticking out of it as it creates the hinge. Can be confused with Dobby and Kowalski
12. Queenie Goldstein
1. Pastry - SUPER easy to find, long and rounded
2. Hair - larger hair piece with long curles in the front and back
13. Credence Barebone
A: Pamplet - 1x2 tile, like feeling out the policeman from series 18
14 (&15). Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody & Barty Crouch Jr
A: "Walking Stick" - Long bar that takes the full length of the bag
B: Polyjuice Potion bottle - round ball like shape with a bar sticking out of it
C: Hair - comes with two sets one short and long haired easy to feel both
16. Lord Voldemort
A: Nagini - Long snake that takes up the entire bag
B: Legs - single piece with sloped trailing end
17. Dobby
A: Book - book casee will have two prongs sticking out of it as it creates the hinge. Can be confused with Newt and Kowalski
B: Sock - 1x2 tile
C: Legs - short legs, no bend
D: Head - larger head than any others with big ears
18. Cedric Diggory
A: Tri-Wizard Trophy - Nothing else needed, will feel the base and the roundness of the trophy
19. Professor Filius Flitwick
A: Megaphone - Rounded form can feel like the Tri-Wizard Trophy
B: Legs - no bend
C: Bow tie - small rounded shape with a bow tie form at one end
20. Professor Albus Dumbledore
A: Pensieve - Round plate form, super easy to find
B: Hair - has a hat on it with a rubber feel
C: Beard - only figure with one! Rubber feel and round piece at the top
D: legs - single piece with sloped trailing end
21. Dean Thomas
A: Flag - 2x2 Flap with two clips on one end
B: Hair - easy to feel as it is bumpy
C: Stick - flag stick is single while the wands are connected together
22. Cho Chang
A: Owl - very easy to feel, has a owl shape to it.
B: Hair - Rubber feel and long, easily found
23. Neville Longbottom
A: Plant stem - feels like plant leaves
B: Pot - rounded with a larger opening at the top
C: Mandrake - Egg like shape with a single post sticking out. Can get confuded with polyjuice potion.
24. Draco Malfoy
A: Broom - long broom form, standard from the old Harry Potter sets
B: Golden Snitch - ball like form with lines down the middle and winglets on either side
C: Hair - smooth hair same form as Percival Graves & Gellert Grindelwald